There is a secret to a long and happy marriage: the best age to get married

Getting married is a big event in everyone’s life. It’s a time of love, hope, and excitement for the future. But since 40 to 50 percent of first-time weddings end in divorce, many couples wonder if there’s a way to make sure their marriage lasts a long time and is happy. Psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb in Los Angeles says that the right time to get married may be the key to its success.

Gottlieb recently talked on The Diary of a CEO show about her thoughts on the best age to get married. Gottlieb is famous for writing the best-selling book Maybe You Should Talk to Someone. She told them not to get married too soon because they might not be mature enough or have enough life experience. She did say, though, that people in their mid to late 20s often have a better idea of who they are and what they want, which makes it easier for both people to grow in a relationship.


Gottlieb’s claims are backed up by a study from the Institute of Family Studies that shows the best time to get married is between the ages of 25 and 30. People who get married at age 25 are 50% less likely to split than people who get married at age 20. According to Gottlieb, this age range lets couples grow together, share adventures, and get to know each other better

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